Basic Fundamentals of Computer, Hardware-Software Concept (Theory)
OS-Operating System Introduction (Theory)
Accessories- Tipping English, Notepad, Wordpad, Paint,
Ms Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint,) Outlook, Publisher,
Application Installation(Ms. Office, Font, etc...)
Introduction to Internet & Browser Basic,E-Mail,
Scanning & Print -New Folder -Sub Folder - Shortcut Folder,
Gujarati Typing, Font-Akash, Indic,
Tally Introduction
Accounts Infofmation
Accounting Vouchers
Inventory Information
Taxation (GST-CGST, SGST, IGST,)
Tipping English,
Notepad, Wordpad, Paint,
Ms Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint,)
Basic Fundamentals of Computer (Theory)
Gujarati Typing, Font-Akash, Indic, KAP,
Adobe Photoshop
Basic Used Of Internet
Internet surfing
Ticket Booking
Online Shopping
Online Recharge
Online Booking
Online Bill Payment